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  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow


Our Approach
Many companies spend significant time and effort improving safety by addressing hardware issues and installing traditional safety management systems. While these methods produce positive initial results, a plateau of accidents typically remains. Although these accidents are often attributed to employee carelessness or poor safety attitudes, most are triggered by deeply ingrained unsafe behaviors.

B-Safe Management Solutions and its behavioral safety programs comprehensively address this problem by looking deeper into actual causes and creating systems and procedures that change attitudes and behaviors.

The B-Safe®, an award-winning proprietary method developed by company founder and industry pioneer Dr. Dominic Cooper, lies at the center of the intersections of employees, management systems, the working environment and the company's overall culture. B-Safe® helps to bring these four elements into alignment and function smoothly to dramatically improve your safety performance. Associated benefits include efficiency savings, increased reliability and integrity of plant & equipment, and reductions in insurance premiums. View our Case Studies to see what we consistently achieve

Contact us to discuss your company’s specific needs and how we can apply the B-Safe® Process to improve safety in your specific workplace environment.

What Makes B-Safe® Different?
We design and customize each Behavioral Safety process to suit each client. We recognize a 'one-size-fits-all' approach does not work, simply because each client is different and has different needs.  

The B-Safe® Approach
To ensure maximum injury reduction, we focus on the core elements of Behavior-Based Safety within a flexible integrated framework to provide an appropriate customizable solution to suit each client's needs.

Typical B-Safe® Features
The reason B-Safe® is so effective at injury reduction is our Behavior-Based process is uniquely different from, and more flexible than, most.

From the outset, we set the scene by:
1. Obtaining the 'buy-in' of everyone concerned at the very beginning of the process
2. Creating a genuine 'safety partnership' between hourly wage-roll employees and management, backed up by corporate KPI's
3. Involving everyone, 'whenever and wherever' we can

We optimize the Observation process by:
1. Developing focused observation checklists
2. Restricting the number of behaviors on a checklist
3. Seeking everyone's approval for the behaviors on the observation checklists
4. Harnessing group dynamics by monitoring teams, not individuals 

We increase everyone's motivation by:
1. Encouraging workgroups to set their own improvement targets
2. Providing multiple channels for feedback about performance
3. Publicizing Successes

We ensure sustainability by:
1. Integrating the process with the company's safety management systems'
2. Setting targets for and monitoring the completion of 'corrective actions'
3. Monitoring trends in the data
4. Regularly refreshing the process
5. Holding regular sustainability reviews

B-Safe® involves employees by:
1. Seeking their support and suggestions at the outset
2. Recruiting employees into the project team
3. Seeking employee agreement on behavioral measurement tools
4. Recruiting and training employees as observers
5. Allowing employees to decide their own safety improvement targets
6. Regularly providing all employees with detailed feedback on performance and seeking their views on the appropriate corrective actions
7. Regularly asking how much support they receive from the project team and managerial levels

B-Safe® Observation Checklists
Observation Checklists
Many organizations use 'Observation Cards' purchased 'off-the-shelf' that tend to be too broad to really impact the incident rate. Although they can help to involve everyone in safety, often they are 'missing the target'. The ever increasing number of cards 'turned in' somehow never seems to correspond with ever-reducing incident rates. B-Safe® avoids this by developing meaningful observation checklists that:

1. Target incident causing behaviors
2. Contain very specific behaviors
3. Are derived from incident reports
4. Are agreed upon by all concerned

B-Safe® Observations
In line with best practice, B-Safe® primarily uses a team based approach as we seek to help workgroups redefine their 'safety norms'. Recognizing this may not always be appropriate in dynamic environments or with lone workers, we also customize the observation approach to suit the circumstances, which may also include monitoring outcomes, using 1-on-1, peer-to-peer and self-management approaches.

Management Support
Managers have a huge part to play in determining the success or otherwise of any behavioral safety process. Research shows that managerial support influences the safety behavior of employees, with figures ranging from 35 percent to 51 percent. Clearly, high levels of managerial support are essential. Most other behavior-based safety vendors cater to this aspect separately, if at all.

Safety Partnership
B-Safe® is concerned to develop a genuine 'safety partnership' between management and employees. Managers cannot bring about good safety performance on their own: They rely on their employees, for example, reporting potential or actual incidents, following procedures, working safely, etc. Likewise, employees cannot improve safety on their own either: They rely on management, for example, to release the necessary resources to complete corrective actions, set safety policies, etc.

Safety Leadership
An integral component of B-Safe® , we work with all levels of management to help them develop 'safety leadership' checklists, containing agreed upon safety support behaviors (e.g. discussed safety with someone this week), to support the B-Safe® behavior-based safety process 'at the coal-face'. Managers complete these every week, with the scores entered into e-Spectat® our online behavioral safety software to provide performance feedback.

We can also teach people 'Safety Leadership' skills using our PEER® system. This involves observations, coaching & feedback, the results of which are entered directly into our online 'PEER® software by the 'Safety Leaders'. The software ensures that appropriate feedback can be provided and trends of underlying issues that are causing problems can be identified.

Management Systems
Management systems are deliberately designed to influence people's behavior. These include the overall safety management system, containing policies, procedures, risk assessments, JSA's, Permit-To-Work (PTW) systems, etc. Although these systems are audited to assess their efficiency on an annual basis, there are often gaps in the design of the system, or parts do not function as intended. In turn, people behave unsafely to overcome the problems caused by these system failures.

B-Safe® helps to identify and address these system failures to help improve the overall functioning of the systems, which in turn helps to improve safety performance. B-Safe® has two specific routes for discovering management system factors guiding 'unsafe behavior'.

The first uses Applied Behavior Analysis when developing observation checklists. The actions arising from this route are recorded and entered into a corrective action database by the project team.

The second is from observations: B-Safe® observers often discover issues that need correcting to help make their workplace safer. The actions arising from this route are recorded on their observation checklists, which are then entered into a corrective action database by the project team. B-Safe® uses a Corrective Action Rate to help ensure all actions identified by both routes are tracked through to completion.